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Jan Schrooten joins MEDVIA board of directors

Jan Schrooten joins board of directors at innovation cluster MEDVIA. Its collaborative, ecosystem-oriented approach fits well with his experience at Antleron, a collaborative development SME operating in the advanced therapy and diagnostics areas.

“Proud and happy to bring the start-up and SME ideas, vision and spirit into the MEDVIA ecosystem and together make a change in healthcare innovation.”

MEDVIA is an ecosystem-focused innovation cluster, facilitating collaborations between companies, knowledge centers, universities, and healthcare institutions. This new flanders.healthTech initiative is focused on 3 areas, medical biotechnology, medical technology, and digital technology, to pave the way for future healthcare.

Digital technology is a key enabler for modern healthcare. Flanders hosts a strong network of companies working on electronic solutions and digital technologies. MEDVIA provides a strong network to enable partners reach full potential and increase commercialization and adoption of digital solutions in the market.

Launching medical technology is a challenge on many levels, such as regulations and financing. By bridging the gaps between stakeholders, MEDVIA creates a network facilitating exchange and accelerating innovations to the market.

Flanders is known for its vibrant biotech ecosystem and therefore medical biotechnology is one of the domains targeted by MEDVIA. The new innovation cluster fits well into the overarching provincial and federal strategy to make Belgium the leader in advanced therapies and biopharmaceuticals.

The cluster not only provides network and expertise to drive innovations forward, but also offers grants for disruptive innovations. 8 million euros in non-dilutive funding are offered in the 2022 call together with VLAIO. Projects have to cover at least 2 of MEDVIA’s focus domains and target a clearly defined unmet need in healthcare.

More information on MEDVIA =>


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