Last week, Evan Claes (Antleron) & Dominiek Rossillion (QbD: Quality by Design) presented Cell by Design® at the second industrial partnering event of Cancer Research Institute Ghent (CRIG). Cell by Design® is cloud-based software platform that facilitates scalable, cost effective and sustainable ATMP process development. Find out more about Cell by Design®:

The aim of the industrial partnering event is to showcase CRIG expertise and to connect with current innovators in the oncology market: companies or academic teams bringing new developments/products to the market.
The event hosts both academic and industrial partners to present current breakthrough research as well as clinical and industrial innovations in the field of cancer research and treatment. In the program you see principal investigators and senior postdocs from CRIG and research/non-profit institutions listed along with companies active in the field of life sciences.
The industrial partnering event of CRIG kicks off with breakfast tables, for in depth discussion on recent developments and innovations, bottlenecks, needs and advances on precision oncology and AI, immuno-oncology and clinical trials, etc. More info on
Find out more about Cell by Design®: