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Writer's pictureAntleron NV

Jan Schrooten speaks at M3d+it symposium about 3D-Printing-by-Design for life science applications

The life science industry is eagerly looking for novel methods and processes to realize the transition from lab-scale proof of concept to commercial manufacturing. In particular, next-generation health solutions require affordable, scalable and personalized manufacturing. At the same time, industrial-scale life sciences and biopharma stakeholders express a growing interest in 3D printing as an enabling technology to build closed systems for advanced therapy manufacturing or diagnostic applications.

With a focus on personalized and digital manufacturing, the combination of cells, biomaterials, 3D printing, risk-based (Quality-by-Design) bioprocess development and digital / soft sensor process control, enable the co-creation of ‘factory-of-the-future’ solutions. Hence customized, closed system solutions for life science processes and products are becoming a reality, ranging from ‘on-chip’ point-of-care diagnostics to vaccine and advanced therapy manufacturing.

Join the presentation of Jan Schrooten on the online M3d+it event to discover how additive manufacturing can be a powerful tool to fast-track innovations in life science applications from lab to proof of concept to commercialization.

The M3d+it (Medical 3d-printing and Innovative Technologies) is a platform that promotes 3D printing in medicine and brings together health professionals, doctors, researchers and companies in the field.

OnIn this year’s event, 25 speakers are lined up who are specialized in different disciplines including additive manufacturing, materials, medical device design and simulation as well as tissue engineering and medical use cases.

Networking among the actors in the field and in (inter)national projects will be fostered as well.


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